Facts and figures of the tourism and hospitality sector in Vicenza

Vicenza, a city of 113.000 inhabitants, is located between Venice and Verona, in the hearth of Veneto region, the Italian region with the biggest foreign tourists’ amount per year.
Thanks to its optimal location, its cultural vitality and its highly productive and well-formed commercial area, the tourism and hospitality sector in Vicenza has increased in size: there are 24 hotels only in the city, 40% of which are 4* hotels, with about 70 rooms each, and a totalling reception capacity of around 2.500 guests. There are many restaurants and pizzerias offering traditional cuisine, both local and national, high-level innovative cooking and of course pizza in its various forms. A whooping 7 restaurants in the whole province of Vicenza was honoured with the Michelin star and exactly in Vicenza the famous chef of the Italian TV Carlo Cracco has started his successful career. As Italian customs dictates, in Vicenza the offer of bars, patisseries and pubs is also huge: in every corner you have the chance to have a coffee, an aperitive or eat a tramezzino.

Since 1994 Vicenza has been an Unesco Word Heritage site, thanks to the architect Andrea Palladio, who designed and let many buildings and villas in the city and in the whole province of Vicenza in the mid-16th century be built, at the height of the Renaissance. His major works are Villa Almerico-Capra, also known as La Rotonda, the Teatro Olimpico, the first world’s indoor theatre of the modern age, and the Basilica Palladiana: these establish Andrea Palladio as the father of the modern architecture.

Since 1996 every year on May a jazz festival has taken place in the city: for about 2 weeks many national and international renowned artists perform in the theatres, in the museums, in the churches and in the pub of Vicenza. Thousands of jazz lovers, and not just them, from all over Italy and Europe livens the city up.

Vicenza boats a strong economy: more than 92.000 enterprises in the whole province are sign of a highly productive and commercial area. Mechanics and electronics, tanning, goldsmithing and jewellery, textile and clothing, ceramics, wood and furniture, agri-food are the main productive sectors of Vicenza’s companies. The turnover amounts to 90 billion euros and the volume of exports to almost 15 billion euros: the intense international trade relations make Vicenza a really visited city from business tourists, too.


Updated November 2016

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