About us

Eurocultura is a research, training and career counselling organization founded in 1993 and based in Vicenza, a town of 110.000 inhabitants located in the northeast of Italy, between Verona and Venice.

Our key competences are mainly related to labour market and training issues. Our projects and activities are aimed to improve employability and professional skills through training and work experiences abroad, promotion of international mobility of students and workers, promotion of entrepreneurship, prevention and fight against racism and prejudices, growth in use of new technologies in learning activities.

At local and national level Eurocultura co-operates with institutions (municipalities, labour offices, health departments…), universities, vocational training centres, trade unions, chambers of commerce, employer organizations and NGOs. At international level, we are part of a huge network of organizations dealing with the European projects in training, education, social issues and culture.

Our multilingual and international staff have experience of work and/or study abroad and have a social, educational, linguistic, psychological and IT academic background.

Main activities:

In the framework of Erasmus+-KA1 and ESF we organise traineeships for foreign apprentices and students in crafts, industry, trade, tourism, health and education, public administration, non-profit sector,… Accommodation, Italian course and cultural programme are arranged according to the wishes of the partner. Click here for more information.

Study visits for foreign staff are organised in Vicenza, Venice and Verona on topics such as early childhood education, inclusion and integration, Industry 4.0, school education, hairdressing and so on… Employees, lecturers, trainers and management staff of educational institutions, public administration and companies can have an overview of the Italian situation through company visits, expert lectures, practical workshops, best practice examples and discussions.

The development of innovative educational models for formal and informal learning is the focus of various EU programmes as Erasmus+-KA2. We are involved in research activities on issues as VET, migrants, racism and xenophobia, equal opportunities, labour market trends etc. Topics of recent researches: quality management in transnational training activities, informal language learning, biographical work for immigrants, competence assessment of disadvantaged persons, entrepreneurship education. As results of the projects: development of IT platforms, e-learning courses and websites.Click here to know more.

Eurocultura is an Italian-wide known center for the international mobility. Universities, schools, employment agencies, youth information offices, public administration and social partners invite our career advisers to attend conferences and seminars on studying, work experience and working abroad. Career and employment counsellors attend our advanced training courses. We offer also a personalized counselling during which qualified person can obtain information about employment opportunities abroad and prepare a suitable application.

Eurocultura works together with language schools and universities all over the world offering short- and long-term study opportunities for Italian students from 10 years on. The offers are promoted in Italy through conferences, focused events and our own medias.

By request we carry out staff recruitment in Italy.
In the frame of MobiPro, a German programme of the Employment Agency, between 2013 and 2016 Eurocultura recruited and prepared over 120 young adults from Italy for a Dual System vocational training in Münster, Paderborn, Berlin and Pforzheim. By request of public authorities, we also promoted campaign for qualified staff in nursing and geriatric care, hotel and catering industry, crafts and IT.

We offer foreign companies or administrations a global strategy to present themselves on the Italian labour market as employers or places to live. This foresees events in universities, schools and job fairs, social media and advertising campaigns.

Design and implementation of multimedia, e-learning courses and websites aimed at innovation and improvement in the educational processes and communication are developed within the framework of EU projects.

Websites and Social media of Eurocultura deals with different topics: