The aims of a traineeship abroad are that the participant must “acclimatize” in new living and working contexts, acquires or improves his or her foreign language skills, strengthens his or her own autonomy and willingness to be mobile and takes a step forward in his or her career.
At the same time, it must be ensured that integration into everyday life and work is made easier and that the participant receives comprehensive and enough support if difficulties arise: this is the task of Eurocultura.
Especially for people who are abroad for the first time, blockages can occur at the beginning: the security of the home environment is lost, and reorientation is necessary. With the right support, the trainee overcomes the difficulties and returns home with a sense of achievement.
On the day of arrival at the station the trainees are welcomed by Eurocultura staff together with their hosts and receive a welcome kit. In the accommodation everything is prepared so that you can feel comfortable from the beginning.
On the following day the whole programme will be introduced: we will talk about the overall programme, how to get around the city, bus subscription, Sim card, job interview at the company, leisure activities and much more.
The interview at the company takes place on the second or third day. In the company, our German-speaking tutor will moderate the interview and help with the language. The company tutor explains the procedure and the traineeshiip contract is signed. The trainee then receives directions to the company and Eurocultura registers him or her with the Italian trade association INAIL.
During the traineeship the Eurocultura tutor is in constant contact with the company to evaluate the professional progress and the linguistic integration and, if necessary, to intervene to solve any problems.
Eurocultura is also informed about social integration through regular contact with the host and supports both sides.
Halfway an evaluation of the experience gained in the company and in Vicenza will be carried out.
The Eurocultura tutor is available by telephone during office hours (9:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00), for serious cases at any time. The consulting hours once a week (Wednesday) are used to support our trainees.
The sending organization is regularly informed about the status of the program.