ESF programme

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Since 2010 Eurocultura has been working as a partner of various German educational institutions in the programme «IdA – Integration durch Austausch «, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs within the framework of the ESF. It aims to strengthen the employability of people who, for various reasons, cannot find training or work. In Vicenza, Eurocultura selects the right companies where IDA participants can carry out a successful traineeship experience regardless of their handicap or disadvantage. We also organize language courses, accommodation with host families and cultural activities (culture, excursions, sports, etc.). Regular monitoring in the company and intensive support in leisure time by our German-speaking staff ensure that the experience abroad is a great asset for the participants and make a re-entry at home easier.

Some of our partners:

From Pforzheim to Vicenza

August-Sander-Schule aus Berlin